First Post

1 minute read


This is my first blog post in what i hope will be a long line of blog posts. In the last few years i’ve gained a deep interest in a home lab setup with a proxmox datacenter running linux VM and containers and self-hosting various open-source services and tools using Docker and Kubernetes. I’m going to use these blog posts in a few different ways:

  1. Check on Learning - i want to validate that progressing as a IT professional, certs, degrees and experience are all great but a written record can validate that you can ‘walk the walk’ and not just ‘talk the talk’.
  2. Historical Documentation - documentation in production is always a bear, at home, it takes a lot of motivation, a lot of times i find myself asking ‘wait, how did i do that?’ Google is always ready and willing to help solve problems but with complex issues it’s nice to have the code and procedures documented.
  3. Community of Interest - There are many blogs and Youtube channels that have inspired and helped me on this journey of learning, i want to pay it back and if one of my blog posts helps one person that is struggling through a configuration file, then i’ve met my objective in giving back to the community of iterest
  4. Portfolio - I’ve got more days behind me than in front of me as a U.S. Army Soldier and want to transition to work in the exciting and emerging field of Devops, Cloud and microservices.
Scott Powell

Scott Powell

U.S. Army Officer specilizing in cybersecurity and IT Operations with 20+ years of experience, tech enthusiast with a passion for open-source, home lab and microservices


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