Road to Docker: Marker 1, monitoring infrastructure with grafana 5 minute read

Monitoring of servers and services is always important in a homelab, especially if i’m out of town or just not active in my man cave working on projects and systems.

Concept of Operations (CONOP)

  1. install influxdb on docker(using portainer)
  2. configure the metric server on proxmox
  3. configure a dashboard (using Grafana)

Step 1

First thing is to install the influxdb on docker, i’m going to use portainer, portainer is a web-based UI for container technology, it works particularly well for docker installs and maintainece. Installing portainer is a seperate discussion and another blog post for another time. A quick google search will... read more

Road to Homelab: moving disks using qm command 3 minute read

I recently bought some new HDD’s, a much needed storage upgrade for my proxmox cluster, i’ve been running into storage issues in my current configuration. I’ve got a 1TB HDD that is hosting all my VM’s, LXC’s and images for my primary node. I’ve researched a few different ways to migrate VM’s from one physical storage to another, they all have their pro’s and con’s. For my particular use case i going to use a three stage method to migrate all my VM’s using the proxmox GUI and the QM command.

Concept of Operations (CONOP)

  1. Move contents from current storage... read more
First Post 1 minute read


This is my first blog post in what i hope will be a long line of blog posts. In the last few years i’ve gained a deep interest in a home lab setup with a proxmox datacenter running linux VM and containers and self-hosting various open-source services and tools using Docker and Kubernetes. I’m going to use these blog posts in a few different ways:

  1. Check on Learning - i want to validate that progressing as a IT professional, certs, degrees and experience are all great but a written record can validate that you can ‘walk the walk’ and... read more